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笔名探矿者—一个立志执着于探索自然和学术的“打工者”。1962年5月生,福建人,1982年毕业于成都地质学院找矿系,地质调查专业 工学学士 高级工程师。长期从事地质调查、矿产勘查以及矿床学和矿床地球化学研究。在该职业生涯中,积累了三十多年来的地质勘查和找矿经验,脚踏实地一步一个脚印一路走来,具有丰富的工作经验,认识了矿产资源在地壳中的成矿机理,掌握了构造控矿因素与成矿地质规律对找矿预测的意义。本人的专长是既懂理论研究、也精通矿产勘查,善于将两者紧密结合,因而有关成果受到各地政府的关注及业内专家的高度肯定。


2011-09-05 15:17:32|  分类: 男人世界 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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I am a person's monologue

If I were a woman,See you work so hard every day, really distressed, so tired during the day and at night home, but also to burn their own food, but I can not help a bit busy, I always think, if you work during the day, I wash clothes at home , cleaning, good night, burn the rice, warm meal waiting for you to come back to eat it the more wonderful, how much happiness ah! I swear if you have the opportunity to live with you, I must properly serve you, will not let you go to work in the morning hungry, [cold] will not be busy, but do not have time to take back the clothes, if I know you cold, I do not have to sleep to give your clothes. I will serve you as the giant panda as the shower, I can help you put the clothes ready, I will help you Cabei, dinner time, to help you Iimori good sleep is, I want to hold you to sleep, not allowed to move your ass out when I sleep, I want you to dress handsome, let the road of beauty, all of them looking at you, tell you she was pretty, I am right? I will let you can not stand

If I were a woman,Really I quite like and your life, I do not care about the outside baseless rumor,
I do not care, I will carefully and we had a good day of www.juexiang.com, had booming, and I let them envy we

If I were a woman,Do not know if I have that opportunity I am waiting! I look forward to! I'm waiting for you

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