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笔名探矿者—一个立志执着于探索自然和学术的“打工者”。1962年5月生,福建人,1982年毕业于成都地质学院找矿系,地质调查专业 工学学士 高级工程师。长期从事地质调查、矿产勘查以及矿床学和矿床地球化学研究。在该职业生涯中,积累了三十多年来的地质勘查和找矿经验,脚踏实地一步一个脚印一路走来,具有丰富的工作经验,认识了矿产资源在地壳中的成矿机理,掌握了构造控矿因素与成矿地质规律对找矿预测的意义。本人的专长是既懂理论研究、也精通矿产勘查,善于将两者紧密结合,因而有关成果受到各地政府的关注及业内专家的高度肯定。


2012-12-05 13:48:40|  分类: 野外记录 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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野外提取标本纪实 - 探矿者           - Prospector blog


Prospector野外提取标本纪实 - 探矿者           - Prospector blog

We came back to Rogerley mine again!  

Asia and Tom ready to go digging! .

The weather wasn`t perfect this year. .

As always there is a lot of mud in the mine.  

Mine tunnels.  

Putting down the rail.  

Galena at the mine walls.  

Cross-section through fluorite coated by quartz and mud :-)  

Remains of the Blue Bell pocket - Jewell Box zone.  

Not much left there...  

Small pocket.  

Small pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket still has a lot of fluorite in it, but the rock is very hard there.


Big block with fluorite on the floor of the Black Sheep pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket.  

Black Sheep pocket.  

Rat Tail pocket is almost gone.  

Rat Tail pocket is almost gone.  

Rat Tail pocket remains. 

Rat Tail pocket remains. 

Rat Tail pocket remains.  

Rat Tail pocket remains.  

Mine corridors. 

Mine corridors.  



Mine tunnels.  

Fluorite in the front part of the mine.  

Rails prepaired to be used.  

Mine corridors.  

Mine corridors.  

Clock :-)  

We go to the Penny`s Pocket.  

Inside Penny`s Pocket.  


As always pocket was full of mud and majority of speicmens fell apart.  

The famous Rogerley mud. 

First specimens.  

Fluorite in situ. 

Gemmy twin.  

Gemmy twin.  

First we worked at the ceiling.  

Crystals sticking out from the mud at the ceiling.  

Crystals sticking out from the mud at the ceiling.  

Tom with Mariusz and a fluorite above their heads.  

Tom with fluorite above his head.  

Partly cleaned fluorite.  

Partly cleaned fluorite. 

Later we started digging in the brecciated zone.  

Cleaning specimen.  

At the begining a small group of crystals appeared.  

After some time and work it turned out to be quite big and very good quality cluster.  

Fluorite in situ.

Fluorite in situ. 

Fluorite in situ.  

Dirty Tom with fluorite in the background.  

time to take the prize.  

We collected quite big specimen too.  

Fresh fluorite.  

You said dirty? 

Washing what we collected that day.  

The best one of the day.  

Really big twin and very good quality too.  

Mariusz and Tom happy with what they collected.  

Mariusz and Tom happy with what they collected.  

Tom with the best piece.  

Asia wasn`t that dirty, note necklace and earings - new underground fashion :-) 

Mariusz neads some cleaning.  

Packing specimens... 

... and sending them down.  

Washing again.  


Mariusz and Tom with what they collected. 

Not too bad as for the first day.  

Another specimen. 

Another specimen.  

Big twin.  

Gemmy twin.  

After a hard work we deserved for this... strangly looking snack :-)  

Next day we came back to the mine...  

... to meet the mud again.  

In the mine. 


And digging again in the same zone.  


And again fluorite in the mud.  

That day we collected only a few specimens but two of them where really good.  

Two best specimens of this trip 

Perfect specimen with big gemmy twins.  

Perfect specimen with big gemmy twins.  

Here are some of the finds by Jesse and Cal.  

Here are some of the finds by Jesse and Cal.  

And this ones were collected by Jurgen and Robert who visited the mine soon after we left. 

And around two weeks later the Rogerley team discovered a huge plate in situ.  

That became even bigger after cleaning.  

It was the biggest specimen from the mine ever.  

The big one.  

Quality isn`t great (a lot of inclusions) but size of specimen and crystals is really impressive.  

Cal trying to make the big one lighter.

野外提取标本纪实 - 探矿者           - Prospector blog

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